
Canción del Arbolé 
Federico García Lorca

Drawing Poems, 2024. 

The 7 Pocket Womb

Made with paper mache and air drying clay, 2020
“It is hollow and villous within, smooth outside, divided into 7 cells and has two openings” (Nicolaus, 1316)
Inspired by ancient theories about women’s reproductive system and medical illustrations of the 14 century.

La Invención de Morel

Tetrapack Prints, 2024
La Invencion de Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares is a science fiction book from 1940. It narrates the story of a fugitive that arrives to a seemingly deserted island previously plagued by diseases, in which he finds a group of people that carry out a life of constant repetition.
This project presents an exploration of this story.  
My response to the story consists in three chapters of a series of 5 A2 tetra pack prints that rely on repetition and narrative told through colour.

Chapter 1: 

“There are so many things to do on this lonely island!
The trees that grow here have such hard wood!
And when I see a bird I realise the vastness of 
the open spaces all around me!”

Chapter 2:

“The grassy hillside has become crowded
with people who dance, stroll up and down,
and swim in the pool,
as if this were a summer resort”

Chapter 3:

“Spring, summer, autumn, and winter plants, grasses,
and flowers overtake each other with urgency,
with more urgency to be born than to die,
each one invading the time and the place of the others
in a tangled mass.”

The Crocodile

A0 ink poster,
response to a song, 2022

“She's going out tonight, loves drinking just champagne
And she has been checking nearly all the men
She's playing her game and you can hear them say
She is looking good, for beauty we will pay”
The Model - Kraftwerk

“Drawings can be a humble testimony of the everyday”
Jean Aubertin

Ana Ortuño Floria
